Payment methods

Payment and Payment Security

  • 1 Payment Methods
  • 2 Credit Card Security
  • 3 Order Security

  • 1 Payment Methods

We offer various payment options:

  1. Advance payment (bank transfer): All necessary information will be sent to you by email upon completion of the order.

  1. Credit card: For payment by credit card, we collaborate with the Payment Service Provider Shopify Payments. We accept VISA, Mastercard, Apple Pay, Google Pay, Maestro, Shop Pay, and UnionPay. Please provide the card number, expiration date, credit card issuer, and security code when making payment. The security code, a three-digit number on the back of your credit card, ensures the security of the transaction on the internet. Depending on your credit card settings, the 3D-Secure code may also be requested, providing additional protection for online purchases. This is usually provided via SMS by the credit card issuer. If an item is not available, the excess amount paid will be refunded to your credit card within 14 days. Please note that the credit will be issued by the credit card issuer at the end of the month.

  1. PayPal: When paying with PayPal, you will be redirected directly to the PayPal page. Log in with your credentials and confirm the payment. Your PayPal account will be charged immediately. If an item is not available, the refund will be made to your PayPal account within 14 days.

  • 2 Credit Card Security

We are not aware of any cases of misuse of credit card information as a result of purchases with us.

  • 3 Order Security

Your registration is transmitted via encrypted transmission (128-bit encryption via SSL) and stored on secure servers to ensure the security of your personal data. For security reasons, we strongly recommend that you do not share your personal password with third parties.